Oasis / Supersonic 和訳


I need to be myself


I can't be no one eles


I'm feeling supersonic, give me gin and tonic


You can have it all, but how much do you want it?


You make me laugh


Give me your autograph


Can I ride with you in your BMW?


You can sail with me in my Yellow Submarine


You need to find out


'Cause no one's gonna tell you what I'm on about


You need to find a way for what you want to say


But before tomorrow



'Casue my friend said he'd take you home


He sits in a corner all alone


He lives under a waterfall


Nobody can't see him


Nobody can't ever hear him call


Nobody can't ever hear him call



You need to be yourself


You can't be no one eles


I know a girl called Elsa, she's into Alka-Seltzer


She sniffs it through a cane on a supersonic train


And she makes me laugh


I got her autograph


She done it with a doctor, on a helicopter


She's sniffing in a tissue, selling the Big Issue

(今じゃそこら中を嗅ぎ回っては、Big Issueなんて雑誌を売り捌いてやがる)

When she finds out


no ones gonna tell her what I'm on about


You need to find a way for what you want to say


But before tomorrow



'Cause my friend said he'd take you home


He sits in a corner all alone


He lives under a waterfall


Nobody can't see him


Nobody can't ever hear him call


Nobody can't ever hear him call





oasisのデビュー曲。英国のシングルチャートにて最高31位を記録。英国版CDには"Take Me Away" "I Will Believe(Live)" "Columbia(White Lable Demo)"が収録されている。oasisを、ギャラガー兄弟を世に知らしめる歴史的1曲であり、ファッキンロックな楽曲となっている。ちなみに筆者は、PVで楽しそうに缶蹴りをしているメンバーが好きです、、、分かって欲しい。。。